Apr 30, 2016 | dhouse | 371 views
Belore Trailers Major Rookie REP - Exhibition Win
Exhibition Game
The Belore Trailers Major Rookie REP boys kicked off their season by hosting their Highway 19 Rivals the Tillsonburg Otters during a Saturday matinee.
The Ironbird bats jumped out of the gate early with six runs in the bottom of the first inning led by left fielder Brandon Plaquet who stroked a three run double. Colten Cumberland provided a strong spark at the top of the line up scoring three runs in the win. Declan Minelly was solid in the field and at the plate with strong hits all afternoon long. The Ironbird infield was in lock down form with Colton Macpherson completing four pop fly outs, Sam House and Nathan Kapitor were solid up the middle and Westin Matsumoto pulled in some great catches a first. The power tandem of Tanner Belore (pitcher) and Ryan Wolfe (catcher) did an amazing job keeping a great flow to the game.
The Ironbirds defeated the Otters by a score of 10-2.