Apr 14, 2024 | Julie Gatt | 530 views
2024 House League Update
The long-awaited season is just around the corner. We are working hard at getting things ready for the 2024 season.
You can expect an email from your child’s coach at some point over the next few weeks introducing themselves and letting you know what team your child is on. The season will start the middle to end of May. We are currently working on schedules and they will be released approximately 2 weeks before the season starts.
For now, we have a few organizational wide updates to share:
Photo Day
Mark your calendar, our photo day is June 1st, 2024 at the Ingersoll Pipe Band Armoury (108 Wonham St S, Ingersoll, ON N5C 2Y8). We would like to give a huge thank you to them for graciously donating the hall to us for this event. Your child’s coach will give you an envelope with all the packages that are available. Please note that this year team photos will only be given to those who make a purchase. A schedule for when your child is to go to get their picture taken will be provided in advance of June 1st.
Year End Tournament and IMBA Family Appreciation BBQ
This event is our year end celebration. It will be held on Saturday July 20th at Victoria Park. There will be more information to follow, but please save this date.
Thank you so much to the many local organizations that are supporting our association. These sponsorships help us to keep the registration fees down. We are still looking for organizations that are willing to provide sponsorships for special events (such as the year end celebration), equipment sponsors and sponsors for Currie Field (we are looking to better maintain this field, such as fixing the bleachers, batting cage etc).
One specific area we are looking for sponsorships is to help purchase a removable pitching mound. This will allow us to continue to grow minor baseball for youth 14 and older.
If you know of anyone that would be willing to provide a sponsorship please reach out to us at [email protected] and more specific detail will be provided to you.
Ingersoll Minor Baseball Executive