13U Dedicated Select Tryouts Location Change, News (Ingersoll Minor Baseball )

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Dec 30, 2023 | Julie Gatt | 1278 views
13U Dedicated Select Tryouts Location Change
Ingersoll will be having a 13U Dedicated Select team in 2024.  Dedicated Select is a division between House League and Rep baseball.  Tryouts will be on January 11th (IDCI gym 4) 18th (Harrisfield PS) and 25th (IDCI gym 4) from 6:00 - 7:30.  If you have any questions please email [email protected]. Please complete the form located under the registration tab prior to attending the tryouts. 

What is Dedicated Select Baseball?


Dedicated Select baseball is a competitive baseball program that provides similar competitiveness and development as Rep. It is a program endorsed and supported by both LDBA and Ontario Baseball.


How is Select baseball like Rep baseball?


Select teams - players must try-out for them and earn their spot as with Rep teams. 


Just like Rep teams, Select teams:


Has the same overall rules as the rep division

Hold regular team practices and spring workouts

Play in a competitive travel league against other Select teams within LDBA

Participate in tournaments

Have dedicated coaches with the same core certifications as Rep coaches

With dedicated select players do not play in the house league division

11U and up will be using pitchers and pitch counting for all ages according to the OBA Select Loop rules.


How is Select Baseball different?


Select baseball is typically the next level of increased competition and commitment up from House League baseball. Rep baseball is typically another level of competition and commitment up above Select.

Players born after 2012 may also tryout, but keep in mind the developmental difference. Most of the players will be 12 and 13 year olds.
