Frequent Q and A for House League, News (Ingersoll Minor Baseball )

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Jan 13, 2024 | Julie Gatt | 925 views
Frequent Q and A for House League
Here are the answers to many of the common questions we get about House League.  If you have any other questions please reach out to us at [email protected].  You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

What night for each division?

Here are the probable nights of play for each baseball division.  As soon as we know the probable nights for Fastball we will let you know.

T-Ball likely Thursday nights in Ingersoll

7U likely Wednesday nights (interlocking with Tillsonburg)

9U likely Tuesday and Thursday nights (interlocking with Tillsonburg)

11U likely Monday and Wednesday nights with the occasional Saturday morning (interlocking with Woodstock and Thamesford)

13U likely Tuesday and Thursday nights with the occasional Saturday morning (interlocking with Woodstock and Thamesford)

15U variable nights (interlocking with Tillsonburg)

What if the division is full?

If the division you are looking to register for is full you can add your name to the waitlist.  Once there are enough players to create another team we will let you know.  We have to keep all the teams to an appropriate number of players to ensure there are enough players, but not so many that there is not enough playing time.  Another reason to add your name to the waitlist is if someone is no longer able to play this year, we can offer you a spot on the team.

When will the season start and end?

The season usually starts after the May long weekend (assuming the diamonds are open for the season).  It will run until the middle or end of July.  As soon as we have more specific details we will let you know.

Is there anything available for my child who is too young for t-ball?

Ingersoll Minor Baseball will be offering a couple Blast Ball events as an introduction to t-ball.  This is an introductory game that stays more action packed. It teaches the fundamentals of hitting, fielding and an understanding of the game.  These events will be designed to create a love for the sport. We will be giving more details about this very shortly.

What equipment do I need to play?

All you will need is a glove and running shoes.  All other equipment will be provided. If you wish to purchase your own helmet or bat you may, but that is not required.
